Tuesday 17 April 2007

7.30pm Tuesday

Is it me or are you now feeling sorry for Eastenders' Ben Mitchell? He's gone from annoying the hell out of me to making me want to hug him and feed him up. Not only is his big brother Ian as wet as the fish before it's battered in the chippy, he's got a father whose colour changes from grey to red depending on his mood and who uses exhaling as a form of communication. He's now got potential-step-mother-from-hell Stella. I'm even moved to say "poor kid"!


dulwichmum said...

Phil Mitchel is a terribly ugly man - that is why I feel sorry for junior. Imagine having a daddy who had been exposed in the papers as enjoying errr... a practice recently discussed in the South London Press involving parked cars and em... consenting adults? Filth!

dulwichmum said...

Boil them in oil I say, and take their children into care!

All about me

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Nunhead, London, United Kingdom
I'm a mum of one, wife of one and owner to several dogs, a variety of breeds and sizes. I live in the up and coming area (or so they say) of Nunhead and have mad neighbours, strange friends and certifiable relatives. I shop locally, although I do defect to Sainsburys once a week - shoot me now local shopkeepers.